“I’m crying
I’m shocked
I’m speechless
I’ve just finished feeding my child & left him for a few minutes to wash his dirty clothes outside. But something within me kept telling me to check on my baby before proceeding with what I was doing. I ignored my instincts twice.
Suddenly, the bucket I was using fell off, spilling all the water inside. I felt disappointed & angry. Reluctantly, I went back inside to get more water. That’s when I saw something that left me shaken. This creature was crawling towards my peacefully sleeping baby on the bed! I screamed, rushed in, grabbed my baby, & used a broom to do away with it
Please help me thank God for saving my child. i keep wandering; ‘What if I hadn’t gone inside on time’? What if the creature had
bitten my baby & left? I wouldn’t have even known what happened. My 6-month-old boy would’ve been crying, & I would’ve thought he was just hungry, would’ve been busy instead breastfeeding him & may be something happened to him, i still wouldn’t have had a clue This can only be God’s doing. Please help me thank this great God; I’m speechless.”