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Did you know that if your ear hairs grow, it is because your body is #333

The gradual growth of hair in one’s ears is quite, normal as we age. The shifting of hormonal levels, particularly testosterone, in one’s body as they grow older often results in hair growth in the ears. In simple terms, this change is the product of testosterone affecting the hair follicles. One’s genetics also contribute to the amount of hair growth in one’s ears, meaning for some people it might be a more drastic change as compared to other people. Although ear hair growth does not develop problems for a plethora of people, for those who find it time consuming and bothersome, there are head grooming tools available in the market that can do the job easily. It’s interesting to see how growing children might find it slightly hard to manage it, especially when there is family history for it. If it does manage to get very troublesome, there are numerous methods to tend to it, such as using clippers or other ear specific grooming devices. However, caution is the only thing one has to keep in mind, so injury is avoided.

The gradual change in a person’s physiology along with their age is usually accompanied with everyone experiencing some hair growth in lesser explored regions of the body. Hairs in the ear, like any other, undergo anagen, catagen and telogen phases of hair growth. The primary factor contributing to this change are hormones which tend to steer the more masculine type testosterone. Indirectly, ear hair growth is more common in adults because of the lack of proper body hair in places other than the midsection.

Because men usually have greater amounts of testosterone than women, it is common for them to have increased ear hair since testosterone can stimulate hair follicles in the nose and ears. In women, hair growth is altered as well, but the changes may not be as apparent. It is treated as a normal part of the aging process, though.

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